Instructor Verification Process - Crafton Hills College-九州体育平台入口
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Toward the goal of ensuring the quality of our distance education program, Crafton Hills College has adopted specific requirements to verify that instructors are prepared to teach effectively in the online environment. The process is guided by the Distance Education Program Committee and Distance Education Faculty Lead.

Recommended Training

Instructor completes either:


  • Two @ONE facilitated training courses as described on the CHC Distance Education Training 页面, one covering instructional strategies/course design and one covering accessibility, followed by the capstone micro-course, The ABCs of Course Design.


  • 的@ONE 网上教学 & 设计证书 as described on the CHC Distance Education Training 页面. The CHC capstone micro-course is required in addition to the capstone included in this certificate.


Instructors who have completed distance education training outside of CHC or SBVC may submit badges or certificates that verify facilitated training in andragogy/instructional design and accessibility (as described on the CHC Distance Education Training 页面) completed within the last 3 years, and verify knowledge of CVC-OEI Course Design Rubric instructional standards.

Faculty who wish to teach online courses for CHC must complete distance education andragogy and accessibility training. Canvas training alone does 不 meet CHC training standards; years of experience teaching in the online environment do 不 waive this requirement. As many surrounding community colleges have implemented similar requirements, some faculty may have completed training that may be considered equivalent to part or all of the Crafton Hills College training. Training from other campuses must align in content and objectives and have been completed within the last three years. Outside credentials will be reviewed by the Educational Technology Committee. 

Faculty who feel they may qualify for equivalency should contact the CHC Distance Education Faculty Lead for further information about how to submit their credentials to the Educational Technology Committee.

CHC-SBVC Training Reciprocity Agreement

Crafton Hills College Distance Education maintains DE training reciprocity with its sister school, San Bernardino Valley College. Online Faculty who have completed current equivalent requirements at San Bernardino Valley College may bypass DE training at Crafton Hills College. 


If you have any questions regarding the instructor approval process, please email the CHC Distance Education Faculty Lead ( or search DE Faculty Lead in Outlook).